Thursday, April 22, 2010

History of Divorce

In this currant age of society it is not uncommon for married couples to get a divorce. In fact about 50% of marriages end up in a divorce. I believe that everyone is affiliated with divorce, either having the experience firsthand or knowing someone who experienced. I know I’ve been in the path of divorce.

But is it surprising that divorce once was not even legal. It actually became legal in the sixteenth century starting in Europe. But just because it was legal still doesn’t mean that it was easy to obtain a divorce. The plaintiff had to have solid proof that desertion, adultery, regular inebriation, impotence and cruel and abusive treatment had occurred. There were some states that made it really had to get a divorce, mostly the ones on the east coast, and states that were more lenient. Many people would travel to the west coast states, mostly Nevada and California, to get a divorce and then move back to start their lives again and separate. It is thought that the west coast states were easier to get a divorce because these states were easier to get married in. In the 1970s no-fault divorces became easier to obtain. Courts recognized no-fault divorce in terms of long-term separation, instances of incompatibility and loss of sanity. Soon after courts recognized no-fault divorces, laws like the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act became popular around the states.


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