Monday, April 26, 2010

Survey Says...

In my 1st post I mentioned that everyone is likely to have experience with a divorce. So I decided to do a little experiment on Facebook. In my status I posted “Hey everyone! I'm doing a final project for a soc class about divorce. I know many people have experienced a divorce. If you have could you comment on this by saying who you knew going through it (ex: parents, aunt, friend), it would help me out. Thanks!” I kept this post up for about a day hoping I would get a bunch of people to respond. I didn’t get to many people, it could be because people didn’t see the status or they just didn’t feel like doing it. Only 10 people commented on it, but a handful of people had many different events with divorce. I did not add in my results because there would be a bunch of duplicates.

Here are the results:
Parents: 6
Uncle: 3 (one of the uncles got divorced 3 times)
Aunt: 1
Husband’s parents: 1
Husband’s cousin: 1
Husband’s uncle: 1
Friend’s parents: 2
Grandparents: 2
Self: 1

20 total divorces (including all of the uncles) between 10 people. On average that is each person knowing at least 2 people to get a divorce.

I wish more people would have responded but these results are not very significant.

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